Saturday, March 14, 2009


i'm closing this blog and moving to flickr.

my flickr photo stream

Thursday, February 26, 2009

a new hope

* mixed media

Monday, February 02, 2009

32nd Small Works at Washington Square Gallery

one of my drawings was accepted to this show, the 32nd Small Works. The show goes on until March 13th. For more details,

Monday, January 26, 2009


another test composition

* mixed media

catching up

finally figured out how to update blogger account from flickr, and now this blog is up to date. more updates are on my flickr photostream.


Today we know that the world should be unified, just as we know that all men should have equal rights. Insofar as a man denies this or acquiesces in its denial, he denies the unity of his own self. Hence the profound psychological sickness of the imperialist countries, hence the corruption implicit in so much of their learning - when knowledge is used to deny knowledge. - John Berger

* mixed media


an incidental compositional

* mixed media

Steve Reich Night poster

final version

type experiment

final version


put things together. ready for submission, finally.


ready for submission.


ready for submission.

a new hope

A particular kind of suffering was coming to an end: the suffering of hopelessness and defeat. People now believed, if not for themselves then for the future, in victory. The belief was often strongest where the conditions were worst. Everyone who was exploited or downtrodden and who had the strength left to ask about the purpose of his miserable life was able to hear in answer the echo of declarations like that of Lucheni, the Italian anarchist who stabbed the Empress of Austria in 1989: 'The hour is not far distant when a new sun will shine upon all men alike'; or like that of Kalyaev in 1905 who, on being sentenced to death for the assassination of the Governor-General of Moscow, told the court 'to learn to look the advancing revolution straight in the eye'.

An end was in sight. The limitless, which until now had always reminded men of the unattainability of their hopes, became suddenly an encouragement. The world became a starting point.
- John Berger

* mixed media

a new hope

We're talking here of the violence inherent in a system: not only direct physical violence, but also the more subtle forms of coercion that sustain relations of dominion and exploitation, including the threat of violence. - Slavoj Žižek

* pen on tracing paper