Sunday, April 29, 2007


Illustration Friday:Memory
For some reason, probably a cheesy one, a toy horse or carousel horse represents memory to me. so here goes another toy horse drawing. i got this toy horse at a flee market in East Village, New York about a year ago. very small, rubber horse with steel wire inside so that you can change the pose, although i have never bent the legs for the fear of breaking one.

brush pen, digital media, Giclée print

ps. finally, after long many weeks, i'm back to IF.


Saturday, April 28, 2007

polus populi

Illustration Friday:Polar
too late, i'm not even going to submit this work. but i had fun, several sketches and this one finished drawing. what i liked about the term polar is that each pole cannot exist without the other, like Siamese twins that hate each other.

mixed media, Giclée


Friday, April 27, 2007

gypsy wisdom

saw an ad in the subway, and thought the copy was interesting. got an idea over some banana pancakes. and here it is.

Emigre Exocet, Emigre Mason, and a some dingbats

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Thursday, April 26, 2007


another shot from East Village.

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007


i do this blog because i would like to communicate with people. so i opened the commenting feature wide up, and it was great until somebody decided to post spams about some drugs. i deleted those ads several times but this person was very diligent and working hard, and kept posting. so i decided to add some layers of security, like the distorted letter verification and comment moderation stuff, which i hate. this means your posting won't show up immediately and have to wait for my approval. don't worry, i appreciate your comments above anything. it's just...well, you know.

brush pen, photographs, digital manipulation


Tuesday, April 24, 2007


found this gigantic sculpture/installation in East Village the other day, and this beautiful horse emerging from the chaotic structure about 10 feet above the ground.

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Friday, April 20, 2007


Morphogenesis is one of three fundamental aspects of developmental biology along with the control of cell growth and cellular differentiation. Morphogenesis is concerned with the shapes of tissues, organs and entire organisms and the positions of the various specialized cell types. - Wikipedia

mixed media, Giclée


immigration in a nutshell

The global volume of immigration is high in absolute terms, but low in relative terms. The UN estimated 190 million international migrants in 2005, about 3% of global population. The other 97% still live in the state in which they were born, or its successor state. - Wikipedia

i was always an immigrant, even in my childhood in Korea. i always felt i had a true home different from what i had back then, and longed for my birthplace. it's been a few years since i finally returned to the home of my birth, the US, and still am an immigrant, probably more than ever. do i miss Korea? not likely, thanks to the Korean government INS officers and their services.

with this little typographic doodle, i don't intend to make a grand political statement. i am just fascinated by the notion of residency in this short excerpt and in this whole immigration/home/identity business.

Alltype Augustus Regular


Sunday, April 15, 2007


Joanna doesn't have legs because she is a spring doll. this is Joanna with legs.

mixed media



another thought on paranoia and paranoid.

mixed media


Saturday, April 14, 2007

the paranoia theory

More recently, the clinical use of the term has been used to describe delusions where the affected person believes they are being persecuted. Specifically, they have been defined as containing two central elements:

  1. The individual thinks that harm is occurring, or is going to occur, to him or her.

  2. The individual thinks that the persecutor has the intention to cause harm.

people who know me very well often say i'm a bit paranoid and i agree with them. i just can't help being so, it makes so much sense.

mixed media


fundamentals of insomnia

In the meantime, through an oversight that José Arcadio BuendÍa never forgave himself for, the candy animals made in the house were still being sold in the town. Children and adults sucked with delight on the delicious little green roosters of insomnia, the exquisite pink fish of insomnia, and the tender yellow ponies of insomnia, so that dawn on Monday found the whole town awake. - - One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel García Márquez

mixed media


Saturday, April 07, 2007

fundamentals of insomnia

as the school starts, the chronic insomnia kicks back in.

mixed media


Thursday, April 05, 2007


The woman of every day, the one with her head held high and with a stony gait, did not arrive, but an old woman of supernatural beauty with a yellowed ermine cape, a crown of gilded cardboard, and the languid look of a person who wept in secret. - One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel García Márquez

New York, NY


Sunday, April 01, 2007

death visits Amaranta Buendía

At the final moment, however, Amaranta was not frustrated, but, on the contrary, free of all bitterness because death had awarded her the privilege of announcing itself several years ahead of time. She saw it on one burning afternoon sewing with her on the porch a short time after Meme had left for school. She saw it because it was a woman dressed in blue with long hair, with a sort of antiquated look, and with a certain resemblance to Pilar Ternera during the time when she helped with the chores in the kitchen... Death did not tell her when she was going die or whether her hour was assigned befote that of Rebecca, but ordered her to begin sewing her own shroud on the next sixth of April. She was authorized to make it as complicated and fine as she wanted, but jus as honestly executed as Rebecca's, and she was told that she would die without pain, fear, or bitterness on the day that she finished it. - One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel García Márquez

mixed media, digital print
